Wound treatment quality and rate of burn healing are important factors

Wound treatment quality and rate of burn healing are important factors that affect the treatment, prognosis and complications of burns. more prominent in the ColActive group (p 0.001) than in the traditional group (p 0.05). Vitexin cost Vitexin cost Considering the results of this study and good results in earlier case reports, ColActive may be more effective than traditional dressing. We suggest a more comprehensive study for a longer period with a larger number of cases to compare additional important variables such as scar quality, cost, and pain in the two dressings. strong class=”kwd-title” Keywords: Nitrofurazone, Vaseline, ColActive Plus Ag, second-degree burn Rsum La qualit des soins locaux et la vitesse de cicatrisation sont dimportants paramtres affectant le traitement, le pronostic et les complications des br?lures. La mthode idale reste encore trouver. Le but de cet tude est de comparer un nouveau pansement (ColActive ?) au traditionnel nitrofurazone/vaseline sur les br?lures du 2me superficiel. Il sagit dune tude randomise portant sur 25 patients. Les zones de 2me superficiel taient divises en 2 recevant, aprs tirage au sort, lune ColActive? Plus Ag, lautre nitrofurazone/vaseline. Aprs nettoyage, les photographies des br?lures taient values en utilisant Image J, lentre et J3, 6, 9 et 12. Les diffrences taient significatives J3, BMP2 6, 9, 12 avec une valeur de p plus prononce ( 0,001) dans le groupe ColActive? Plus Ag que dans le groupe contr?le ( 0,05). Considrant ces rsultats en faveur de lutilisation de ColActive? Plus Ag, nous suggrons une tude plus globale, sur un nombre plus lev de patients, comparant aussi la qualit cicatricielle, le co?t et la douleur. Introduction Burn injuries are a major public health problem in the world.1 According to the International Society of Burns, burn is defined as an injury to the skin or other body tissue caused mainly by acute thermal trauma, such as hot liquid, fire, radiation, electricity or friction.2 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 300,000 deaths worldwide due to burns in 2012, with 96% of these deaths occurring in developing countries.3 Boyer classified burns as first- second- and third-degree, according to the tissues affected. Treatment differs according to burn depth. Second-degree burns are those that damage the epidermis and part of the dermis.1 Superficial second-degree burns involve epidermis and superficial layers of dermis. The treatment of these burns is conservative. Burn wound bed preparation is the most important factor affecting the healing of the wound. The care of superficial second-degree burns is controversial, and the ideal method for topical burn care is unknown. The quality of the scar following burns depends on the Vitexin cost duration of healing. The aim of care of these burns is to decrease the healing period. The care principles of burn wounds (wound bed preparation) include the same principles as chronic wound care, which are briefly summed up with T.I.M.E (tissue non-viable or deficient, infection or inflammation, moisture control, epidermal growth), and include early excision, biological control of amount of exudates, prevention of tissue desiccation and adequate moisture in the wound environment. 4 The nature of a chronic wound is similar to the burn wound environment in the amount of MMP levels. T.I.M.E for chronic wound care is equivalent to Vitexin cost modern and organized care in burn wounds. Applying the principles of chronic wound care to burn wounds has improved patient survival and prognosis. An ideal dressing should contain a suitable environment including growth factors and MMPs, at the least create exudates, provide appropriate microbial burden and adequate moisture, lead to less pain and be economical and available.5-8 Different companies have provided several compounds for dressing wounds. One compound that has recently been introduced.