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Supplementary MaterialsAppendix 1. a standard center. Collectively, these data claim that

Supplementary MaterialsAppendix 1. a standard center. Collectively, these data claim that CNVs beyond your 22q11.2 region might contain genes that modify risk for CHDs in some 22q11DS individuals. Intro The 22q11.2 deletion symptoms (22q11DS; velo-cardio-facial symptoms; DiGeorge symptoms, VCFS/DGS; MIM #192430; 188400) impacts around 1 in 2000C4000 live births and may be the most common microdeletion symptoms (Burn off and Goodship 1996; Robin and Shprintzen 2005). Nearly all people with 22q11DS carry the typical 3 million base pair (3 Mb) deletion on one chromosome 22 homolog, however, NBQX tyrosianse inhibitor smaller nested 1.5C2 Mb deletions are seen, albeit in 10 %10 % of individuals (Carlson et al. 1997; Emanuel 2008). The typical 3 Mb deletion and the smaller nested interstitial deletions are the result of non-allelic homologous recombination events between low copy repeats that punctuate the 22q11.2 region (Edelmann et al. 1999; Shaikh et al. 2000). The clinical features attributed to the hemizygous 22q11.2 deletion are highly variable and include congenital heart defects (CHDs), dysmorphic facial features, palatal anomalies, immune deficiencies, hypocalcemia, a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders and cognitive impairment (McDonald-McGinn and Sullivan 2011). Various CHDs and/or aortic arch defects have been reported in approximately 60C75 % of individuals with 22q11DS (McDonald-McGinn and Sullivan 2011; Ryan et al. 1997). The etiology of this cardiac phenotypic variability is currently unknown, but it does not appear to correlate with sex, race, 22q11.2 deletion size, or parent of origin of the deletion (Goldmuntz et al. 2009; Sandrin-Garcia et al. 2007; Swaby et al. 2011). The reduced penetrance of CHDs and variable expressivity within the 22q11DS population is influenced in NBQX tyrosianse inhibitor part by genetic factors, since 22q11DS patients with a CHD are more likely to have an unaffected relative with an isolated CHD than 22q11DS patients with normal cardiac anatomy (Swaby et al. 2011). These findings are not explained by the inheritance of the non-deleted chromosome 22, suggesting that variants outside of the 22q11.2 region may influence the development of CHDs in these families (Swaby et al. 2011). Therefore, we hypothesized that structural variants, possibly in the form of rare CNVs, may increase the risk of Rabbit Polyclonal to DNAI2 intracardiac and/or aortic arch malformations in individuals already sensitized by the 22q11.2 deletion. Large genic CNVs that are rare in the general population have been identified as pathogenic in a variety of human diseases and disorders. Rare CNVs have also been associated with congenital defects, such as CHDs. Recent non-syndromic CHD studies have identified causative rare CNVs at recurrent loci, such as 1q21.1 and 8p23.1 (Glessner et al. 2014; Greenway et al. 2009; Silversides et al. 2012; Soemedi et al. 2012b; Tomita-Mitchell et al. 2012). A common CNV, the duplication of = 310; Supplementary appendix 1) was derived from four canonical maps specific for cardiac development from MetaCore from Thomson Reuters: (1) Cardiac development BMP TGF beta signaling, (2) Cardiac development FGF ErbB signaling, (3) Cardiac development Role of NADPH oxidase and ROS, and (4) Cardiac development Wnt beta catenin Notch, VEGF IP3 and integrin signaling. The HHE NBQX tyrosianse inhibitor list of high heart expression genes contains the top quartile of genes (= 4171) expressed in the developing mouse heart at day E14.5 (Zaidi et al. 2013); genes were ranked by expression level, and the top 25 %25 % of genes with the highest expression were included in the HHE list. Mouse gene expression profiling of developing heart and pharyngeal arches (PA) at day E9.5 was performed as described to generate the Heart_High and PA_High gene lists (Racedo et al., manuscript in submission; see Supplementary Information). Briefly, RNA was extracted from micro-dissected pharyngeal arches and heart tubes from wild-type mouse embryos at E9.5. cDNA was generated and hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse GeneST 1.0 expression arrays following the manufacturers instructions. The resulting microarray expression data were normalized, as well as the mouse transcripts had been converted and compiled to human gene designations for every cells type. Genes had been then rated by manifestation level and the very best 25 percent25 % of genes with the best manifestation had been contained in each list. The Center_Large list provides the best quartile of genes indicated in the developing mouse center at E9.5 (= 3872; Supplementary.